How-To Software Technical

Secure Apache HTTPD from POODLE

If you are running Apache, as I do you may want to take steps to secure your system but making a slight adjustment to your configuration. By adding the simply line: SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 The file location: /etc/apache2 The file name: apache2.conf Remember to always backup a configuration file before making changes. Once completed restart apache: […]

How-To Software Technical

Factory Reset / Hard Reset a Samsung Galaxy S5

After a few weeks of playing with the Galaxy S5 its time to box it up and send it back, but not before factory resetting this bad boy. How To Factory Reset the Galaxy S5? To perform a factory reset of the Samsung Galaxy S5, go to Settings > User and backup > Backup and […]

News Software Technical

Tech Short: Let’s test for POODLE or SSLv3

First thing that came to my mind when reading about POODLE was how can I test, followed by what to do to patch/fix this. So the first thing is to test for the vulnerability. And from all I have read so far is that you are vulnerable if your servers support SSLv3. I am confident that […]

News Software Technical

Security News – POODLE Security Vulnerability

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014, Google researchers announced the discovery of a vulnerability that affects systems with SSL 3.0 enabled. This vulnerability has been named POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption). Details are available at It has been strongly encouraged to discontinue the use of SSL 3.0. Info Sources