How-To Technical

Tech Short: Install Applications on a Remote Desktop Server 2012

When using a Terminal Server a special method is required when installing applications. The server needs to be placed into installation mode for successful install of applications that are used in this muti-user environment Change your user mode to installation mode by using the following command: Change User /Install When you have completed all application installations Change […]

News Software Technical

Get Windows 10 Technical Preview – March Update

Yes its close, very close so why not get to testing out the latest version of Windows 10 build 10041. Keep in mind that this is an early build of Windows 10 so issues may exist; however I’ve not run into many worth mentioning   The download links can be found here Product key: NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR  

Software Technical

Office 365: Errors during cutover migration

This is an error I’ve received when running a cut-over migration batch in Office 365. Error: ProvisioningFailedException: The parameters passed to the cmdlet represent a managed account, which doesn‎’t match the namespace state, which is federated. I’ve reached out to support, to help me troubleshoot this.  So far there hasn’t been much I’ve been able to find online […]

How-To Software Technical

Disable Windows Firewall On Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core

After my install of Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core, I wanted to manage the system via RSAT and Remote Desktop. However the firewall was preventing me from completing such tasks. That said, this is how we can disable the firewall From the command prompt type the following command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off […]

News Software

Microsoft Security Bulletin: Windows, IE, Exchange and Office

Microsoft has released their Advance Notification for the December 2014 security bulletins. There will be a total of seven bulletins, three of which will update critical vulnerabilities.  Critical update affects Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 The critical update also affect Exchange Email Product Line as well as Office 2010. Office […]

How-To Software Technical

Windows Identity Foundation Install Issue

Setting up a new installation of Lync Server 2013 I encountered an issue  after being notified b the Lync Server 2013 install prerequisite check that Windows Identity Foundation was required. I found my way to the download site and grabbed what I though was the correct install where I got the following error: Installer encountered […]