News Software

SharePoint Server 2016 IT Preview

The SharePoint Server 2016 preview is now available to download from the Microsoft website: Note: Windows Server 2012 R2 is required Brief on Install Instructions Review SharePoint Server system requirements Download and install full-featured software for a 180-day trial When prompted, use the following product key: NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ

News Personal Software

Unable to open Office Documents, SharePoint 2013 On-Prem

  We have recently encountered a strange issue where users get stuck on the Word, Excel, Powerpoint splash logo where it says “Contacting the server for information.”  We have spent several days on this issue and it seems to have impacted a large user base. I am working with the team here to find a resolution […]

How-To Software Technical

Renaming SharePoint 2013 Server

I spent sometime today renaming SharePoint 2013 Servers for a project I was pulled in on. It involved using PowerShell cmdlets and other administrative tasks. The project required me to “Clone” SharePoint farm servers to make template environments for demonstration and development task. I originally followed steps provided here: Renaming SharePoint then later streamlined the process so its […]

News Technical

The Truth – Single Sign On with Outlook and Office 365

After many twists and turns on this bumpy road of setting up a Hybrid Deployment of Exchange Online with AD Sync and ADFS for SSO.  I am faced with yet another issue. Let me tell you what does work with the single sign on: Outlook via Web Access Office 365 Portal Office 365 SharePoint Office […]

How-To Software Technical

SharePoint 2013: Upgrade to Claims Based Authentication

Claims-based authentication is an essential component to enable the advanced functionality of SharePoint 2013. To move classic-mode web applications from SharePoint 2010 Products to SharePoint 2013, you can convert them to claims-based web applications within SharePoint 2010 Products, and then migrate them to SharePoint 2013. The procedures in this post will address the issue I […]

News Software Technical

SharePoint 2013 Upgrade Testing – My InfoPath Issue

I have been testing various features and functionally of a  recent SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 upgrade I preformed. When I encountered an issue involving a list item used heavily buy one of my departments. The issue presented itself when the users attempted to create new work items and this is when SharePoint 2013 displayed […]