How-To Software Technical

IIS 7 Error “A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.”

I was in the process of updating an IIS7 Website with its newly issued Certificate when I encountered the following issue: “A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.” To resolve this issue: Opened the MMC (start > run > type: mmc) Add\Remove Snap-ins > Select Certificates > Click Add […]


What is an intermediate certificate?

I just completed a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Upon its completion I was issued my new cert along with an intermediate certificate to be installed on my host server. This gives me the perfect opportunity to share with what an intermediate certificate is. An intermediate certificate is used to bundle “chains” to your SSL certificate leading back […]

How-To Software Technical

Assign an SSL Certificate to Services in Exchange Server 2013

Switching Exchange 2013 over to a public accessible address requires a valid FQDN and a valid SSL Certificate. After installing the certificate on the server we need to find our way to the Exchange Administration Center. Once here do the following: Select Servers, then Certificates Choose the valid Certificate you plan to use and Click […]

Software Technical

How secure are the apps you use on Smart Phones

In my last post I wrote a very brief how-to on how to Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler by making it a network proxy. I did just that and the results for a few app’s have upset me. Mainly because it exposes not only my password and user id, it exposed the content […]

News Technical

Google SSL Certificates going to 2048-bit

Coming Soon! In August 2013, Google will start the process of switching its SSL Certificates over to 2048-bit for its services adding stronger security. This information was made public on Stephen McHenry’s, Director of Information Security at Google Blog. The completion of this project is set to be completed by the end of the 2013 year. […]

How-To Software

Disable Revocation Check on SSTP VPN Sessions

Please use the following steps: You will need the create the following registry Key (REG_DWORD) under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sstpsvc\Parameters Setting the key value of 1, will prevent it from checking. More detailed info below: NoCertRevocationCheck Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sstpsvc\Parameters Registry entry: NoCertRevocationCheck Data type: REG_DWORD You can use this registry entry to enable or to disable the SSL […]