How-To Personal Software Technical

Tech Short: Modify vCenter Single Sign-On Password Policy

Warning:  I do not advocate that anyone to make modifications which extend outside of their organizations security policies. Doing so may put account security as risk. By default, passwords associated with vSphere Single Sign-On expire every 90 days. As a user approaches this expiry point they will be reminded that their password is about to […]

How-To Software Technical

[SOLVED] Unable to migrate VM’s to other host

I had encountered the following issue when attempting to migrate a live VM to another host w/in my lab cluster. The error received was:  Currently connected network interface” ‘Network adapter 1’ cannot use network ‘VM Network’, because “the destination network on the destination host is configured for different offload or security policies than the source network […]

How-To Technical

VMware vCenter 6/6.5: Creating Host Profiles

This post describes how to perform the basic task of creating a host profile. Description of Hos Profiles: VMware Host Profiles are available through VMware vCenter Server and enable you to establish standard configurations for VMware ESXi hosts and to automate compliance to these configurations, simplifying operational management of large-scale environments and reducing errors caused by […]

Personal Technical

VMware / vCenter: Terms, Acronyms, Glossary {Tag your IT}

Recently I have taken, failed later taken and passed my VMware 2V0–620 – vSphere 6 Foundations Exam and passed. I am now in the process of practicing and studying for proctored exam(s) for the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization Certificate. With that there are many terms, acronyms, and Glossary items I will need […]


PowerCLI: HowTo Remove Floppy Drive From {All} Powered Off VM`s

The following simple script will iterate though your vCenter environment and remove the floppy disk from VMware guest machines that are in a powered off state. Script text: I used Windows PowerShell ISE Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned #may require running as administrator Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core Connect-VIServer -Server ‘’ $off = Get-VM | where {$_.powerstate -eq “PoweredOff”} $floppy = […]

How-To Personal

VMware vSphere 6.5 Nested Virtualization – Create and Install ESXi 6.5

With vSphere 6.5 and nested ESXi 6.5 hosts I enable myself to get hands on with vSphere advanced features with vCenter without having the physical hardware in my home lab. The advantages to this setup allows me to test out new VMware features or simulate issue that could happen in production. The term “nested virtualization” is […]