Software Technical

SQL Server Database Error: 661

One of my customers had an issue where they failed to open a connection to a particular database they had been testing. The error read: ‘the database e:somepathsomefolderjermsmit.mdf’ cannot be opened because it is version 611. The server supports version 655 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported. This issue is caused because you […]

How-To Software Technical

How do i check which LVM version i’m using.

“bump” root@websvr:~# lvm version LVM version: 2.02.66(2) (2010-05-20) Library version: 1.02.48 (2010-05-20) Driver version: 4.22.0 And that is my filler post for the day. — more info — Logical Volume Manager (Linux) LVM is a logical volume manager for the Linux kernel; it manages disk drives and similar mass-storage devices. The term “volume” refers to […]