How-To Software Technical

Windows 8 file history feature

File history is a new way to back up your files and it keeps a chronological history of the files in your document libraries. All you need to do is activate and turn it on. Steps to enable this feature: From Start Screen, type “File History”, click on settings in right pane, click on File […]

How-To News Software Technical

‘in-depth’ with the Windows 8 task manager

One of the newest features in Windows 8 is the new Task Manager. Microsoft gave the Task Manager a complete overhaul that includes several performance tools to help you optimize your PC. In an official blog post, Microsoft goes over these optimization tips. Microsoft has also posted up a video that showcases these tips in […]

How-To Software

Extending Windows 8 Trial

I have been using the Windows 8 Enterprise for several months this way for testing rather than backup my data and reinstall the OS just to reinstall my applications, followed by configuration tweaks, which can be time consuming. I have started extending the trail to give me more time. The process of extending a trial […]

News Software

Windows 8 Controller App

For the small price of a cup of coffee you can… Turn your phone into a multi touch controller for you Windows 8 Computer giving you the full natural touch experience of Windows 8 from your smartphone. For less than $2.00 US you can purchase this cool app and have all of the fun functions […]

Software Technical

KMS Client Setup Keys for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8

Microsoft has posted the online documentation for the KMS keys for their latest OSes. In my case the only KMS Setup Key’s I care about are below: Windows Server 2012 Datacenter: 48HP8-DN98B-MYWDG-T2DCC-8W83P Windows 8 Enterprise: 32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7 Windows 8 Professional: NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4


How to Restart or Shutdown Windows 8 from Remote Desktop

You are looking for a way to restart Windows 8 from a remote desktop session. You have come to the right place. I’m going to help you get past missing the good old Windows 7 method of clicking Start > Windows Security > and Restart / Shutdown. For Windows 8 things have changed. The way […]