How-To Software Technical

Windows Server 2016 Core Configuration, with SCONFIG

Windows Server 2016 Core has a built-in configuration tool named Sconfig.  This tool is used to configure and manage several aspects of Server Core installations. This simplifies tasks such as changing settings such as network, remote desktop, hostname and domain memberships, etc. To use the Server Configuration Tool Log into the console of your Windows Server […]


Install VMware Tools Windows Server 2016 Core

I just completed my install of Windows Server 2016 Core as a guest in my VMware Lab. Now that this has been completed the next step is for me to install the VMware tools so that I can take advantage of various features; specifically, template deployment with customization options About:VMware:Tools: VMware software tools enhance the […]

How-To Technical

Tech-Short: Delete Virtual Switch in Hyper-V

And this happened . . . I was introducing a change the Virtual Switch Manager of my Hyper-V host, where I attempted to give guest machines bridged network access.  After making my change I had lost access to the server.  On a good note, the server picked up a new address its virtual interface that I created.  However I […]

How-To Software Technical

Change Hostname On Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core

Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core is installed and now its time to change the hostname from the install default. To change the hostname I will issue the following command: netdom renamecomputer [oldhostname] /newname [newhostname]   You will get the following message once completed: Certain services, such as the Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine name. […]

How-To Software Technical

Disable Windows Firewall On Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core

After my install of Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core, I wanted to manage the system via RSAT and Remote Desktop. However the firewall was preventing me from completing such tasks. That said, this is how we can disable the firewall From the command prompt type the following command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off […]

How-To Software Technical

HowTo Install VMware Tools On Windows Server 2102 R2 Server Core

After installing Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core as a guest in my VMware Lab I wanted install the VMware software tools that enhances the performance of the guest operating system and improves management of the virtual machine. To do this I logged into the console via the vCenter Client were I could access the server […]