
Techshort: What is microk8s?

microk8s is Kubernetes, installed locally! microk8s is designed to be a fast and lightweight upstream Kubernetes install isolated from your host but not via a virtual machine. This isolation is achieved by packaging all the upstream binaries for Kubernetes,, iptables, and CNI in a single appliication container

What I have learned is that if you have been a user of Docker then
Kubernetes is a lightweight variant.

Installing microk8s is simple (on Ubuntu 18.04):
Here are some quick steps to get started:

sudo snap install microk8s --classic

Once installed confirm its running with the following:

microk8s.kubectl cluster-info

You can (I have) expose the management UI – Buddy of mine say’s I shouldn’t. Do this by enabling it with the following command:

microk8s.enable dns dashboard ingress

Then expose this vis the host with the following:

microk8s.kubectl proxy --accept-hosts=.* --address= &

Now you can get to the dashboard by using the host’s IP address or host name:


Anyhow, more information can be located here:

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