How-To Technical

Enable ssh and ssh root access on Vyatta

Requirements Root account enabled Enable SSH / SSH root access To access the shell from a remote pc, with for example, the program “putty”. Commands vyatta@vyatta# set service ssh vyatta@vyatta# set service ssh allow-root vyatta@vyatta# commit vyatta@vyatta# save

How-To Technical

Configure Firefox to use SSH tunnel for DNS

If you are using SSH to tunnel your web traffic, to keep your information private, you might be vulnerable to a DNS man-in-the-middle attack.  If your DNS requests are not tunneled, the operator of the hostile (or locked down) network can still see where you are navigating to on the web when your client makes DNS requests […]

Personal Technical

Google SSL – Privacy I believe in

Today I got wind of a new beta from Google.  Google search over SSL.  Now you can have an end to end search that is encrypted between your computer and our friends over at Google.  This will protect your search terms and results from third parties such as your ISP, or company network admins who […]