How-To Software

Removing a Orphaned Virtual Machine from vRealize Automation

**** ATTENTION !!! **** **** Please be sure to BACKUP any related databases   The following steps provide information on removing virtual machines from VMWare vRealize Automation (vRA). These steps are to be used when the following conditions exist: A virtual machine that is being managed without being deleted from the endpoint. You want to […]

How-To Personal Technical

Privacy & Google Search Alternatives

When it comes to privacy, using Google search is not the best of ideas. When you use their search engine, Google is recording your IP address, search terms, user agent, and often a unique identifier, which is stored in cookies. Here are a few Google search alternatives   DuckDuckGo is a US-based search engine that was […]


Set up the Default Domain for vCenter Single Sign-On | Tech-Short

vCenter Single Sign by default requires the user to specify the domain during authentication with vCenter. Example: JERMSMIT\admin or admin@JERMSMIT.LAB. You can eliminate the need to insert the domain in the username by following the following steps.   Log in to the vSphere Web Client as administrator@vsphere.local or as another user with vCenter Single Sign-On administrator […]

How-To Personal

CredSSP encryption oracle remediation

If you’re like me, you have encountered this error remoting into one of your servers. An Authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported. Remote computer: <servername> This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation The quick solution is to patch your host from one of the patches here If you are unable to […]

How-To News

CVE-2018-0886 – CredSSP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Description A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP). An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could relay user credentials and use them to execute code on the target system. CredSSP is an authentication provider which processes authentication requests for other applications; any application which depends on CredSSP for […]

How-To Software Technical

How to: Disable the Windows Store

  One of the features of Windows 10, is the Windows Store.  The Windows Store is a digital distribution platform for Microsoft Windows. It started as an app store for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 as the primary means of distributing Universal Windows Platform apps. Ref: As system configurators and administrators, this may […]