Software Technical

ET P2P Torrent Client User-Agent (Solid Core/0.82)

I have been seeing this alert “ET P2P Torrent Client User-Agent (Solid Core/0.82)” on networks for sometime now and was able to narrow it down to being related to Adobe Flash (Firefox and Chrome). I am not sure why Adobe is using a torrent client in its flash but this seems to be the source. This […]

Personal Random

QOTD – Jessica Lee

“flourine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur germanium thulium oxygen neon yttrium.” – Jessica Lee If you don’t get it, perhaps you should have paid more attention in chemistry class *by the way *chemistry* is your hint

Software Technical

NTttcp Version 5.28 Now Available

NTttcp is used to profile and measure Windows networking performance. This tool was for ‘internal-only’ use for the last five years at Microsoft until now. You can download it here: Description Optimizations added for 10GigE interfaces Increased platform support: x86, x64 and ARM Simplified usage (e.g. sender and receiver functionality determined with a simple […]

How-To Technical

Domains on or around my block

Playing around with some Google stuff I found a cool little way to gather info on the ASN (Autonomous Systems Number) info of a domain and some incite as to what others are hosted in its network Autonomous Systems are routable networks within the public Internet, administered by the local RIRs and assigned to owners […]

News Technical

Cloud Integrated Development Environment

With so many things in the cloud today why not an IDE that enabled you the web and mobile developer alike to work together. Remote teams can collaborate anytime, anywhere and Cloud9 IDE is the vehicle that will you there. Cloud9 IDE is open source and developer friendly offering online development platforms for HTML, CSS, […]


QOTD: Fathers Day – 2013

“A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.” – unknown