How-To Software

Check Point: SmartDashboard crashes when editing Management server object

I recently had an annoying issue with my Check Point Smart Dashboard. Each time I connected to the Management with SmartConsole and editing the Security Management server object it causes an application crash. The crash would start with a UAC popup from the Windows registry: Followed by the Check Point SmartSashboard application crash itself with the following […]

How-To Software Technical

Hyper-V Virtualization: Turning Hyper-V On and Off

I recently started using Hyper-V on my Windows 10 workstation to task advantage of using technologies such as Docker that leverages Hyper-V to run its container images.  I also run VMware Player for running virtual machines. The following commands make it a simpler task to toggle Hyper-V on and off again. To Turn Hyper-V off, […]

News Software Technical

Microsoft: Meltdown and Spectre Check via PowerShell

Like many folks around the world, I was wondering if this Meltdown and Spectre flaw would impact my computers and virtual machines.  Microsoft has started to release emergency fixes for Windows 10 and its been said that Windows 8 and legacy 7 will also receive patches. Microsoft has released a PowerShell script that lets users […]

How-To Personal Software Technical

Network Wide Ad & Malicious Website Blocking | Pi-Hole

For a few months now I have used the software package named Pi-Hole as an internal network DNS server to prevent ad sites in addition to malicious websites from being accessible form compute resources on my home network. Pi-Hole is a small install that can be installed on any Linux system and it works like […]

How-To Software Technical

Backup of VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5

It’s always a good idea to backup your work to provide you a way to recovery if things go wrong with your environment. Running an home lab I have cause my own share of issues many of times which had forced me to reinstall and configure my vCenter environment. Moving forward I will be taking advantage […]

How-To Personal Software Technical

Tech Short: Modify vCenter Single Sign-On Password Policy

Warning:  I do not advocate that anyone to make modifications which extend outside of their organizations security policies. Doing so may put account security as risk. By default, passwords associated with vSphere Single Sign-On expire every 90 days. As a user approaches this expiry point they will be reminded that their password is about to […]