How-To Personal Software Technical

Enabling Hyper-V for use on Windows 10

You all know when it comes to virtualization I am VMware all the way.  However, it has recently to my attention that the use of VMware Player on a company issued computer may be a violation of the EULA as this type of activity would be considered commercial use of the software. So the option […]

How-To Personal

VMware vSphere 6.5 Nested Virtualization – Create and Install ESXi 6.5

With vSphere 6.5 and nested ESXi 6.5 hosts I enable myself to get hands on with vSphere advanced features with vCenter without having the physical hardware in my home lab. The advantages to this setup allows me to test out new VMware features or simulate issue that could happen in production. The term “nested virtualization” is […]


Tech Short Q&A: What is a Hypervisor?

It’s interesting that this classification isn’t new. In fact it was classified by Gerald J. Popek back in 1974 in the article “Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures” So to answer the question: A hypervisor is a hardware virtualization technique which allows multiple guest operating systems to run on a single host system hardware […]

News Technical

Hyper-V Server 2012 hits Release to Manufacturing (RTM)

Hey there; you want to build some servers? You do? That’s good, real good. Microsoft also pushed Hyper-V Server 2012 to Release to Manufacturing (RTM) status. It’s now yours for the download and installation pleasure. All you need to do is get it from here and you are on your way with virtualization using Microsoft latest […]

How-To Software Technical

Upgrade Install of ESXi 5.0 Update 1

I wrote some steps on this in a previous post.  I am back again to take you for my ride in upgrading to update 1 for ESXi 5. Direct download update link: Once you have the upgrade zip, you will wan to SCP this over to the ESXi 5 server. I use my datastore […]

How-To Software Technical

Google Chrome OS for Virtual Box

Below I have instructions on how to get a Virtual Box image of Chrome First step to getting Chrome OS working on your Virtual Box install is download a USB or Virtual Box image.  Pulled mine from: or Once you have the image extract it to a directory Now open up Virtual Box […]