
Congratulations to all of the 2020 vExperts

I am humbled and honored to have been accepted into this community for the third time. A warm #Congratulations to all of the 2020 vExperts who received the award this year


Block Level Clone of HDD

I am attempting to pull this info into a script that would prompt the individual running it for details. Info such as the name of the output name, credentials used to mount network shares, selection of the drive which will be cloned. Below are steps that work, wondering if I can build a script around […]


How Your Business Can Finally Take Control of Inventory Management

Most companies deal with the occasional inventory problem. A late reorder or incorrect item can be frustrating for small business owners operating on tight margins. However, when inventory problems become a systemic issue, it does more than lose a sale. Chronic inventory problems cause serious damage to your company’s reputation. That’s because, on top of […]