News Personal

To Our Honored Dead: Leonard Nimoy

“Do not grieve… I have been and always shall be your friend.” Through Spock, Leonard Nimoy showed us that things like compassion, mercy, dignity, wit and friendship were actually logical. Leonard Simon Nimoy (/ˈniːmɔɪ/; March 26, 1931 – February 27, 2015) was an American actor, film director, poet, singer and photographer. His passing has hit […]

News Personal

Blind Trust Project

Taking place in downtown Toronto. A Man who happens to be Muslim with arms outstretched, stands next to signs reading “I am a Muslim. I am labelled as a terrorist” and “I trust you. Do you trust me? Give me a hug.” [youtube id=”HNUHnzkojag” width=”600″ height=”350″] Video credit: Asoomii Jay

Personal Random

Save those diapers for the house and garden plants

In this video Grant Thompson – “The King of Random” show you how to turn diapers unused and even those used ones into enhanced soil that can store water because of the hydrogel made after the Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP) in diapers get wet. Check out the video and enjoy this cool little gardening hack. [youtube id=”sXb8rJ8Rm3I” […]


Daddy, he lies because of me

[youtube id=”YdDGFGMLVwk” width=”600″ height=”350″] This is a video made by MetLife Hong Kong that I am re-sharing because its meaning touching that feelgood spot inside. As a parent I know that sacrifices I have made to provide what I can for my children. And reflecting back on my childhood I appreciate and eternally grateful for those my parents […]


jermFit – Lunch 1st Week February 2015

This weeks lunch packs: Baby Kale & Spinach (Corrected), 2 cups (65g) White Mushrooms, 170 g Carrot Chips, 3/4 cup Grape Tomatoes, 3 oz Habanero Pepper (Raw), Chili, 1 pepper (45g) 150 Calories Estimated Price to make five of these meals: $8.00


12-Year-Old With Down Syndrome | John Legend Cover

Born with Down syndrome, Madison faces difficulties in life, although they exist she still finds the courage to do what most of us whom consider ourselves as “normal” would be frightened to do. Madison is truly an inspirational force in today’s world.  An example that the impossible does not exist. Her cover made me smile and […]