-email body-
Per your request, here is the quote from PermaTherm (please see attached). After your review of the quote please give me a call to discuss if you have any questions.
Please let me know if your project requires engineering services or shop drawings. These services are not provided by Permatherm but we will be happy to provide a referral.
Thanks again for the opportunity to serve you,
Brigette Adams
Inside Sales
PermaTherm Inc.
The Green Choice
269 Industrial Park Rd.
Monticello, GA 31064
706-468-7500 (Main)
706-819-5072 (Direct)
877-468-7500 (Toll Free)
706-819-3012 (Cell)
-end email-
Attached file info:
SHA256: 1b8a0ee0ad1e9349ea8c6a20929759a1f22395a4d71f3e2c158f28edd99e0b28
File name: document.zip
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The best suggestion is to delete this if your spam / malware /antivirus solution has not.