
Windows 8 Consumer Preview keyboard shortcuts

Are you looking for some keyboard shortcuts to save you some time?  Look no more my friend.

Win + C = Opens the Charms Bar

Win + D = Show the desktop

Win + E = Opens Windows Explorer

Win + F = Opens the Search feature

Win + H = Opens the Share Charm

Win + I = Opens the Settings Charm

Win + K = Opens the Connect Charm

Win + L = Locks Computer

Win + M = Minimizes open windows to Superbar

Win + O = Locks the screen rotation

Win + Q = Opens the search pane

Win + R = Opens run box

Win + U = Ease of access

Win + W = Opens the Settings search panel

Win + Y = Desktop Peek

Win + Z = Opens App bar

Win + Spacebar = Adjust input language/keyboard layout

Win + Enter = Launches Narrator

Win + PgUp = Moves tiles to the left

Win + PgDn = Moves tiles to the right