
Using a new symbol to replace and old word

We have all used symbols online or in text message to save space / time when sending a message. Many of these are familiar to us, such as & and @. What about Ћ to replace the well know “The”. This already exists, but not in any practical use. Paul Mathis has a short video explaining Ћ necessity […]

News Software

Outlook Web Access (OWA) app for iPhone and iPad

I now have another real use for my iPad.   Microsoft has released an Outlook Web Access (OWA) app for iPhone and iPad, providing those with Exchange OWA and 365 subscriptions access to their email, calendar, and contacts. Hello again to productivity. Via their official blog they write “… we are excited to announce the […]

How-To Software Technical

HowTo: Export Putty Sessions

I just rebuilt my workstation and now on the new system I would like to have all my saved Putty sessions. Putty doesn’t have a built in export feature for this. So I went looking for where Putty store its sessions info. As there it is. In the registry, like so many other things. Here […]

How-To Technical

PowerShell: Set Network Profile

Looking to change the network profile of my public facing adapter from Public to Private I recently found out I can use the PowerShell command Get-NetConnectionProfile to return the the connection profile associated with one or more physical network adapters. Once I have this information I can then modify the NetworkCategory to what I wish by […]

How-To Technical

PowerShell: Get basic network adapter properties

Get-NetAdapter cmdlet returns to you the basic network adapter properties of visible adapters installed on your system. This is a very useful tool to gather some details about your installed network adapters. More info and features can be found here:  

How-To Software Technical

Get to Network Connections UI by using “ncpa.cpl”

Looking for a quick way to get to your network connections: Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Connections From the run prompt (shortcut keys: WinKey+R) enter ncpa.cpl. You will immediately open a window that takes you to the network connections UI without traveling thought the network sharing center. If you want to create a quick shortcut you can […]