After installing Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core as a guest in my VMware Lab I wanted install the VMware software tools that enhances the performance of the guest operating system and improves management of the virtual machine.
To do this I logged into the console via the vCenter Client were I could access the server core console
From the vCenter Console to the following:
- Go to VM->Guest->Install/Upgrade VMware Tools
- Change to the D: drive at the command prompt
- Enter the following command: setup64.exe /S /v “/qn REBOOT=Y”
Here is some additional switches you can attempt
Usage: /? : Show this dialog. /a : Perform an administrative install. /a <full path to existing administrative install> : Patch an existing administrative install. /s : Hide initialization dialog. For silent mode use /s /v/qn. /v : Parameters to pass to installer /c : Clean out installation registration information /l : Perform a detailed logging. /l <fullpath to log file> : Perform a detailed logging.