It came to our attention that 40% of students in Trenton, NJ, school system do not have the technology at home to support their participation in online education.
Sparta partnered with TDI Connect, an all-volunteer organization that is a part of United Way of Greater Mercer County. TDI Connect refurbishes computers donated by businesses and organizations and distributes them in collaboration with greater Trenton school and community initiatives. So far in 2020, TDI Connect has distributed over 400 PCs and laptops to Trenton students and families who need technology for educational purposes. TDI Connect is endorsed by the NJ Pandemic Relief Fund, one of the charities that Spartans donated to in support of COVID-19 relief.
In an effort to provide support to the community local to Sparta HQ, we donated 39 laptops for distribution to greater Trenton’s young people to facilitate their remote learning.
Many thanks to our Sparta IT team, especially Jermal Smith and Russ Clayton, for their work to provide young people with the tools they need to support their learning and the development of innovative technology talent for the future.