
Security News: Citrix Breach

If you haven’t heard, Citrix was breached through a compromised employee account due to password spraying. Password spraying is an attack that that attempts to access a large number of accounts (usernames) with a few commonly used passwords. Traditional brute-force attacks attempt to gain unauthorized access to a single account by guessing the password. The […]


Techshort: What is microk8s?

microk8s is Kubernetes, installed locally! microk8s is designed to be a fast and lightweight upstream Kubernetes install isolated from your host but not via a virtual machine. This isolation is achieved by packaging all the upstream binaries for Kubernetes,, iptables, and CNI in a single appliication container What I have learned is that if […]


Techshort: Difference between horizontal and vertical scaling

As system & application owners we encounter a point where we need to grow our environment, but the question that often occurs is in what way do we scale. So let’s start with some defining methods of scaling today: Horizontal scaling – where you scale by adding more machines (workers) into your pool of resources. […]


ADPREP Error – Promoting Windows Server 2016 in 2008 R2 Forest/domain

When promoting a Windows Server 2016 to DC, adprep fails with an error that an attribute or value already exists. I am unsure if I caused this by attemping to add mutiple DC’s at the same time (race condition). Error: The DN is CN=Send-As,CN=Extended-Rights,CN=Configuration,DC=. The error logs were located: C:\Windows\debug\adprep\logs\ The ADPrep log will point […]


Installing Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

To start, make sure our system is up to date Update your systems:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgrade Once the system is up to date, we install Docker followed by portainer which is a simple management solution for Docker. It consists of a web UI that allows you to easily manage your Docker containers, images, networks, […]


Tech Short: Configure IP address in RHEL

The following short should help someone who needs to configure an IP address or networking on a RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) server post install, or if they are looking to modify an existing host. The ‘classic’ method of doing this would be to vi or nano to ‘/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts’ and edit the name of the […]