
Emoluments Clause

​Article I, Section 9, Clause 8: Emoluments Clause Emoluments Clause. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, […]


Over 1 Million Google Accounts Hacked by ‘Gooligan’

As you know by now from the latest buzz. Over 1 Million #Google Accounts Hacked by ‘Gooligan’. Gooligan itself isn’t new, as its just a variant of  Ghost Push, a piece of Android malware Researchers from security firm Check Point Software Technologies have found the existence of this malware in apps available in third-party marketplaces. Once installed […]

How-To Software

Fix for Checkpoint VPN tunneling option being grayed out on Check Point Endpoint Security Client

I noticed that my Windows VPN client on my computer was forcing all traffic through the gateway of my VPN endpoint. Something that in most cases would be fine however this limited my ability to access local network resources in addition to browsing the internet via my local internet provider (Split Tunneling). What I soon […]


The PiDrive Foundation Edition Makes Installing Multiple Operating Systems on Your Pi Easy

Priced at right around what you’d pay for any other hard drive and SD card, at $28.99 for 250GB and $37.49 for 375GB. The PiDrive Foundation Edition is essentially a hard drive that also comes with an SD card installer that lets you install and boot from multiple operating systems. Source: Lifehacker


FAA tests antidrone tech at Denver International Airport – CNET Share 

Pretty glad the FAA is looking into this. As a person who flies periodically I’m comforted to know that somebody’s investigating this and possibly putting it to an end.


We Are America ft. John Cena | Love Has No Labels | Ad Council

Well said… [youtube id=”0MdK8hBkR3s” width=”600″ height=”350″] To love America is to love all Americans. John Cena takes a break between dropping body slams to drop some truth – that patriotism is more than pride of country, it’s love beyond labels. While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap […]