It’s always simple when you see a error message you know. This time its with SQL Server Report Server. Error Message: The number of requests for domain\jermsmit has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user
What does that mean?
Well to keep it simple. The user is running a report which requires far more request that the report server is configured to handle.
So what do you do about this?
One thing would be to isolate the issue and find out why so many requests are being made and perhaps re/wright the report. Hahaa! Joke! That doesn’t happen often now does it.
So what will happen is this:
On the report server navigate to the following path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer *your install path may be different*
Locate the XML configuration file rsreportserver.config
Open the configuration file with notepad.
Press Crtl F and search for MaxActiveReqForOneUser you may get a result such as ‘<Add Key=”MaxActiveReqForOneUser” Value=”20″/>‘
Change the value to the number of request being made to remove this issue. Then again if you didn’t correct the above throw some crazy value to it like 256 and call it a day.
What the trade off?
You just use more system resources: cpu, memory.
More details
Being that these type of request should happen quickly; this may be a sign that something is hogging CPU and SQL time running reports. You should evaluate this rather than just tossing resources at the issue.
Ref: RSReportServer Configuration File
– Jermal