Exchange 2013 has new and impressive administration center that allows you to handle tasks such as mailbox moves. I prefer using the Exchange Management Shell for such a task. Using the following command you can move all mailboxes within a database to your new mailbox database: Get-Mailbox -Database “Source-Database” | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase “Destination-Database” To get info […]
Tag: Get-MailboxDatabase
After some weekend Exchange mailbox migrations I wanted to check the status of mailboxes. This is where I use the Get-MoveRequestStatistics for the all mailboxes or database. Issuing the following command: Get-MoveRequestStatistics -MoveRequestQueue “*databasename*” will return to you the status of all the mailboxes on that data store. This is good; but what if you […]
In Exchange 2010 you can see how big your mailbox databases are, and how much white space they have, by running the following command in the Exchange Management Shell. [PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft name,databasesize,availablenewmailboxspace -auto In screen-cap database AB is 64.76 GB in size but has 11.97 MB white space due to mail deleted. This is […]