News Technical

Cybersecurity best practices

Below are recommendations on cybersecurity best practices that are useful in protecting digital assets and reducing the likelihood and impact of a successful attack. Invest in security awareness training. Invest the time, money, and resources to ensure users understand risks, the latest cyber threats, and best practices. Lock screens. When stepping away from your computer […]


How Your Business Can Finally Take Control of Inventory Management

Most companies deal with the occasional inventory problem. A late reorder or incorrect item can be frustrating for small business owners operating on tight margins. However, when inventory problems become a systemic issue, it does more than lose a sale. Chronic inventory problems cause serious damage to your company’s reputation. That’s because, on top of […]


Wanna’ Learn Cloud Architecture: Say Hello to AWS Architecture Monthly

The team over at Amazon are very helpful, especially when it comes to learning how to do things in the world they have helped shape. The coolest part of this is that they are willing to do it for free. From building a simple website to crafting an AI-based chat bot.  Learn about the best […]