How-To Technical

How I got my eth0 back

After a recent Ubuntu Linux (server) installation inside in a virtual machine, I decided to move the virtual machine to new a new host where I can run it.  After the move I noticed that I could no longer connect to my system via the IP I had assigned.  So the story begins. With the […]

How-To Software Technical

UAC from Windows 7 Command Line

UAC (User Account Control) is the most obnoxious, nagging  windows that will drive you crazy and frustrate you while using Windows 7 or Vista. One way to stop being annoyed is to disable it.  However doing so will make your computer less secure.  I in no way recommend anyone disable UAC, but I will provide […]


A change in…

After spending some time looking for a new web application to host my blog from I decided to move over to dasblog (  And while this was a good start I favored the design of WordPress, so I have made the move.  They say change is good.  Let’s just see how good it is!