News Software Technical

Chat with no central authority using BitTorrent Chat

With the many communication platforms out today it’s a hard for I or anyone else for that matter to recommend one that is best for you. One this is similar about many of them today. They all relay on some centralized server to route and store all of your communication. They also store what you […]

How-To Software Technical

SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, Content Database Upgrade

I have been working on upgrading SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.  Here are some notes on steps taken to update a content database for your default web application. Please note:   A backup of your default (primary) SharePoint 2010 content database is needed. These steps are for those who have already installed SharePoint and have […]

How-To Software Technical

Uninstall of SQL fails with error about RsFx Driver

I was working on uninstalling installations of SQL 2012 and SQL 2008 R2 to later do a clean install of SQL 2012. All seems to be going relatively smooth until I encountered the following message: Warning 26003. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Support Files cannot be uninstalled because the following products are installed: Microsoft […]