How-To Technical

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu Server

I decided that I wanted backup/sync files to the cloud and also have a simple way to access select files from multiple locations (computers, phones…etc). I have have been using Dropbox for a long time now on my computers and mobile devices; now I want to use it on my headless Ubuntu servers. Fortunately Dropbox permits you […]

How-To Software Technical

Admin Access – SQL Server 2008 R2

Recently I was asked to assist someone with access to a Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 Server. Under normal conditions I would simple add them, but this isn’t the normal. I do not have access I need, so I will add myself so that I can add them. Issue: No one seems to have admin access […]

How-To Technical

System Administrator role in Lab Manager

Today one of the Administrator users of VMware Lab Manager was attempting to import templates she had created.  Unfortunately she ran into a snag.  She was lacking the security privileges need to complete the tasks she was attempting. The level of administration required was that of a system administrator role. Info:  The Systems Administrator Role can only […]

How-To Software Technical

Exchange Database Size and Limits

In the dream time hours of the night one of the exchange data-stores went offline.  The steps to resolve the issue were put in place and handled swiftly by the administrator on duty; but what was the cause. After some digging I arrive at the reason why the data-store went offline.  Found in the Windows Application event ID 9630 […]


Windows Server 8 Beta now available

In addition to the Consumer Preview of Windows 8, and the betas of Visual Studio 11 and the .NET 4.5 framework, Microsoft on Wednesday also released the beta of Windows Server 8. Best of all, the minimum system requirements are: a 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor, 512MB of RAM, and 32 GB of storage.   […]


Windows 8 Consumer Preview keyboard shortcuts

Are you looking for some keyboard shortcuts to save you some time?  Look no more my friend. Win + C = Opens the Charms Bar Win + D = Show the desktop Win + E = Opens Windows Explorer Win + F = Opens the Search feature Win + H = Opens the Share Charm […]