To export a photo from AD use the following command: $a= Get-ADUser USERNAME -Properties thumbnailphoto $a.thumbnailphoto | Set-Content c:pathphoto.jpg -Encoding byte To search all users and export their attribute of jpegPhoto if you want to use them for thumbnailPhoto attribute, use the following script taken from here $filter = ‘(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))’ $root= New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(“LDAP://RootDSE“) $searcher = New-Object […]
Tag: Exchange 2010
When I was moving a mailbox from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 I had mailbox moves which fail due to the “corrupt” limit being hit. errorMessage: Message (size 11.00 MB ) exceeds the maximum allowed size for submission to the target mailbox. You can increase this limit by using the Set-Mailbox cmdlet in the Exchange […]
As you have noticed I am currently involved with turning up an Exchange 2010 server and migrating over. This doesn’t happen without learning some new tricks and getting to understand the new kid on the block. This is where New Local Move Request and I became friends. I was unable to move a mailbox account […]
The Microsoft Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer is awesome tool for troubleshooting Exchange external access. If you are setting up a new Exchange environment and want to test remotely, this is the tool for you.
After migrating my email account from EX2007 to EX2010 my Outlook 2010 client was giving warning about the certificate being used… I will like to thank Elan Shudnow’s Blog for the post on this because it helped me confirm the steps I had applied were correct, they just didn’t take place until after I rebooted the Exchange […]
My battle with Exchange continues… After a day of messing around with the configuration (details to come soon). I restarted my Exchange 2010 Server. All was working as expected, so thumbs up and smiles all around. And then… it happened! I attempted to access web-mail (OWA). The main Outlook Web Access page loaded without any issues. So I […]