Want to give it a try? Check out the live images! Want to install it? Choose your favorite installation media among Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, CDs and USB sticks. Already on Debian and want to upgrade? You are just an apt-get dist-upgrade away from Wheezy! Find how, reading the installation guide and the release notes.
Tag: Upgrade
For some of you that may not know ESXi 5.1 has been released. If you are like me running it for free at home or in the office, you may have asked yourself. How can I update my existing ESXi 5.0 installation without needing to use a CD / USB. Well my friends, it’s good you stopped […]
Windows 8 reached RTM status
Today, I learned that select ‘friendly’ people of the Microsoft world have got their hands on the RTM build of Windows 8. I hope to get my hands on this sometime today and have it installed by end of day to share with you all my thoughts of this long awaited OS from Microsoft; I may even demo it […]
To upgrade from Ubuntu server system to the latest server: 1- install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core 2- This is optional, you can update without doing this: Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal; 3- Launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d and follow the on-screen […]
Today, the newest version of popular open source blogging software WordPress was released. Version 3.0, also known as “Thelonious,” has undergone a significant number of improvements, such as the inclusion of new standard APIs that let theme developers easily implement new backgrounds, headers, menus, custom posts, and more. All of the new APIs are shown […]