
Performance Point Server Error – “The Unattended Service Account”…

So I got an error in SharePoint 2010 today: The data source cannot be used because PerformancePoint Services is not configured correctly. Additional details have been logged for your administrator. This all started with a SharePoint user attempting to use Performance Point.  While in the dashboard designer the following error was given when attempting to create a new data source   I then took another […]



Console-based ethernet statistics monitor.Ethstatus is a console-based monitoring utility for displaying statistical data of the ethernet interface on a quantity basis. It is similar to iptraf but is meant to run as a permanent console task to monitor the network load. Install Ethstatus in Ubuntu sudo apt-get install ethstatus If you want to see your […]


My Drive Home – Time Laps


Playstation Network Maintenance

If you have tried to log into the PSN tonight, you will have quickly noticed that you are receiving error messages. According to Sony, the PSN  is under maintenance According to Sony, you can expect the PSN to be down until around 2 AM Pacific time Monday morning. How will we ever survive =( Read on for […]

How-To Technical

Install Dropbox on Ubuntu Server

I decided that I wanted backup/sync files to the cloud and also have a simple way to access select files from multiple locations (computers, phones…etc). I have have been using Dropbox for a long time now on my computers and mobile devices; now I want to use it on my headless Ubuntu servers. Fortunately Dropbox permits you […]

How-To Software Technical

Admin Access – SQL Server 2008 R2

Recently I was asked to assist someone with access to a Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 Server. Under normal conditions I would simple add them, but this isn’t the normal. I do not have access I need, so I will add myself so that I can add them. Issue: No one seems to have admin access […]