
Installing Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

To start, make sure our system is up to date Update your systems:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgrade Once the system is up to date, we install Docker followed by portainer which is a simple management solution for Docker. It consists of a web UI that allows you to easily manage your Docker containers, images, networks, […]


Tech Short: Configure IP address in RHEL

The following short should help someone who needs to configure an IP address or networking on a RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) server post install, or if they are looking to modify an existing host. The ‘classic’ method of doing this would be to vi or nano to ‘/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts’ and edit the name of the […]


Look, Mom, No Malware! | DocuPhish

And, just like that, all your advanced threat protection, anti-virus, and anti-malware protection and the bad guys are still getting to you. There is a new phishing scam going on these days that use legitimate resources to pull off classic social engineering maneuvers to capture your information. Enter – DocuPhish – The bad guys are […]


VMware Recertification Policy Update | February 5, 2019

VMware just announced Changes to VMware Recertification Policy – Removal of 2 Year Requirement As of February 5, 2019, VMware Certification will no longer have a mandatory recertification requirement. Now, you have the choice of when to recertify, rather than be required to do so every two years. Certifications will still retire, so recertification is […]