How-To Software Technical

Install Windows Server 2016 Step by Step

There may come a time that you may need to install Windows Server 2016. Here I will provide a high-level step by step on this installation process. Requirements: Windows Server 2016 Installation media (DVD, USB flash, WDS, etc.) Installation Target (Computer, Server, Virtual Machine) Keyboard (Mouse is optional) Video Example of Installation: [youtube id=”r71sJcLqCEQ” width=”600″ […]

How-To Personal

Tech Short: Capturing packets on Checkpoint

I’ve recently found myself capturing network traffic to troubleshoot reported issues. To successfully capture packets the use of tcpdump is required.  And while you may be familiar with using this tool, the use is slightly different on Checkpoint devices. The devices in this reference is Checkpoint R77.30 and R80 devices. To capture the correct network […]

How-To Software Technical

Tech Short: Debug VPN in Checkpoint R77.30

The following tech short will provide a list of commands used to enable debugging in Checkpoint’s R77.30 Firewall. To start you must  SSH into firewall host (or active member). To turn on VPN debug from the expert mode: # vpn debug trunc At this point you want to test your VPN connection and verify that […]

How-To Software Technical

OpenVPN Access Server on Ubuntu

I recently retired my OpenVPN Turnkey appliance and needed to get my VPN solution up and running again. I decided to go with installing OpenVPN Access Server on a clean install of Ubuntu Server to create a stable and lightweight Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access my network. I chose to go with OpenVPN AS because […]


Disabling SMB1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support

There is a lot of buzz these days about new ransomware hijacking systems worldwide. The malware, dubbed NotPetya because it masquerades as the Petya ransomware. One of the many ways to help the spread of malware is to patch your computer, effectively stopping the SMB exploits by disabling SMBv1. Here are steps which can be used to […]

How-To Technical

Server 2008 R2, ‘Powershell’ is not recognized as an internal or external command …

While working on a task scheduling a powershell script, it was noticed that the powershell command does not execute from the command prompt on a server. When run I would encounter the following error: ‘powersehll’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. After searching around Google / Bing I […]