How-To Personal

Attach and Reattach to screen session

While using ssh to connect to my home systems to mange my servers (such as Minecraft) I use screen to keep my session(s) open so that if I get disconnected or simply forget and close my putty session I can later resume.  I sometimes find myself in the situation where I go home and later want […]


Who’s History?

It’s cool that my 11 year old is learning about Harriet Tubman and how she was trapped in Amsterdam by the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands by German uniformed police. She also help free saves from the Pharaohs of Egypt with the help of many brave Americans and Moses. Later to become an an African-American […]


Systems Admin w/ iPad – Now what

So I am officially now using my iPad. I have been looking for apps that could help me during my work day and during my adventures in administration of systems I run in my home lab. Outside of one cool ssh terminal app I haven’t found much else, but my search continues. Updates will follow.


Happy Birthday to Me – Open Letter to my Mother

I would like to first say thank you for these years of life I have had. You cared for me, prayed for me. Was there as a friend, and as a teacher. Thank you for being so patient with me, and having understanding even when I did not understand myself. You have always been there, […]

News Personal

Minecraft @

I recently been introduced to the world of minecraft. It seems that my two nephews and daughter are very interested in playing this game. So why not build a server and host it so they can have hours of enjoyment. Best of all its a place where they can bend the rules to work for them, also […]


iPad side of life

It’s official I and family own an iPad, It was only a matter of time, and with that I am admitting that I was wrong. Never say never.