How-To Software

Check Point: SmartDashboard crashes when editing Management server object

I recently had an annoying issue with my Check Point Smart Dashboard.

Each time I connected to the Management with SmartConsole and editing the Security Management server object it causes an application crash. The crash would start with a UAC popup from the Windows registry:

Followed by the Check Point SmartSashboard application crash itself with the following message:

Check Point SmartDashboard
Check Point SmartDashboard has experienced a serious problem and must close immediately. Technical information will be saved in ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\SmartConsole\R77.30\PROGRAM\data\crash_report\’.
If problem persists contact technical support or consult sk97988 to check whether solution exists.


To correct this problem I attempted the following solutions
Please note:  The solution which worked is at the bottom of this blog post (skip away, if you wish).

From sk100507:

I attempted to resolve the problem,  by cleaning the SmartConsole cache on the Security Management server.

To do so, I had deleted the C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\SmartConsole\R7x.xx\PROGRAM\data\CPMICache\ <machine name>

This did not work.


From sk100507:

I followed the procedure for deleting the GUI cache from the management server itself via the following steps:

Connect to the command line on Security Management server (over SSH, or console).

  1. Log in to the Expert mode.
  2. Stop Check Point services:
    [Expert@HostName]# cpstop
  3. Backup and remove the current cache files:
    [Expert@HostName]# mkdir -v /var/log/GUI_cache_bkp
    [Expert@HostName]# mv $FWDIR/conf/applications.C* /var/log/GUI_cache_bkp/
    [Expert@HostName]# mv $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.db* /var/log/GUI_cache_bkp/
  4. Start Check Point services:
    [Expert@HostName]# cpstart
  5. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the cache to rebuild.
  6. Connect with SmartDashboard to Security Management Server.

This did not work.


And.. Finally a solution that did resolve this issue
From sk110712 – SmartConsole / SmartDashboard crashes when editing Management server object


Connecting to Management R77.30 or R77.30.X with SmartConsole R77.30 and editing the Security Management server object causes an application crash.

Resolution:  By Using the GuiDBEdit Tool


  1. Close all SmartConsole windows.
  2. Connect to Security Management Server with GuiDBedit Tool.
  3. Navigate to Network Objects -> network_objects -> <Security Management object> -> portals
  4. Right-click and reset the portals.
  5. Save the changes: go to ‘File’ menu – click on ‘Save All’.
  6. Close the GuiDBedit Tool.
  7. Connect to Security Management Server / Domain Management Server with SmartDashboard.


This worked and problem now resolved

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