And… its time to purge those 365 deleted users. Although we can wait for the retention policy to do it for us. I wanted to do this “now”.
I had wrote the following steps in the past and thought I would share here.
[Press Start]
To delete the account for one or more users
Sign in to Office 365 with your work or school account.
Go to the Office 365 admin center.
Go to Users > Active Users.
Choose the names of the users that you want to delete, and then select DELETE Delete.
In the confirmation box, select Yes.
Well, not so fast. The deleted users is not fully gone yet. It takes 30 days after you have deleted the user for it to purge from Office 365. However there is a way to do this faster
[Press Start]
Connect to Exchange Online using the Windows Azure Powershell module.
To connect you enter the following cmdlet’s:
- Store your credetials (this is stored in memory): $msolcred = get-credential
- Connection to Office 365: connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred
Once connected you can issue the following command to list deleted users:
get-msoluser –returndeletedusers -maxresults 100
To remove a deleted user permanently:
remove-msoluser –userprincipalname -RemoveFromRecyclebin
If you had multiple users, the following cmdlet would work to remove all deleted users recycle bin:
get-msoluser –returndeletedusers -maxresults 100 | remove-msoluser -removefromrecyclebin -force
That’s it… Your done. Good Luck
Original Post of mine can be found here