Personal Technical

Google SSL – Privacy I believe in

Today I got wind of a new beta from Google.  Google search over SSL.  Now you can have an end to end search that is encrypted between your computer and our friends over at Google.  This will protect your search terms and results from third parties such as your ISP, or company network admins who […]

How-To Technical

HowTo: VMware Tools in Ubuntu 10

Again I am working on my server; a virtual machine powered by VMware.  I recalled that I did not have the tools installed; also the virtual server console gave me an additional reminder.  So I decided to install. There are a few things to do before installing.  First we need to make sure our server […]

How-To Technical

How I got my eth0 back

After a recent Ubuntu Linux (server) installation inside in a virtual machine, I decided to move the virtual machine to new a new host where I can run it.  After the move I noticed that I could no longer connect to my system via the IP I had assigned.  So the story begins. With the […]

How-To Software Technical

UAC from Windows 7 Command Line

UAC (User Account Control) is the most obnoxious, nagging  windows that will drive you crazy and frustrate you while using Windows 7 or Vista. One way to stop being annoyed is to disable it.  However doing so will make your computer less secure.  I in no way recommend anyone disable UAC, but I will provide […]


A change in…

After spending some time looking for a new web application to host my blog from I decided to move over to dasblog (  And while this was a good start I favored the design of WordPress, so I have made the move.  They say change is good.  Let’s just see how good it is!

How-To Technical

Openfiler USB Install

Details / OverviewRecently I had the need to boot Openfiler from a USB flash (thumb) drive.Note:  This installation method requires a Openfiler install to a hard disk, along with the USB driveI am using the hard drive installation to create a usb-storage enabled initrd file and thenI copy this new file to the USB drive so that I can […]