News Software Technical

vCloud Air – I want it

From our friends over at VMware we now have news of vCloud Air. A public cloud platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere, compatible with your on-premises data center, that includes infrastructure, disaster recovery. With vCloud Air  you can migrate existing onsite virtual machines (VMs) to the public cloud.  vCloud Air’s billing mode uses the IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) […]

News Software Technical

SharePoint 2013 Upgrade Testing – My InfoPath Issue

I have been testing various features and functionally of a  recent SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 upgrade I preformed. When I encountered an issue involving a list item used heavily buy one of my departments. The issue presented itself when the users attempted to create new work items and this is when SharePoint 2013 displayed […]


Microsoft tracks the evolution of the IT employee with info-graphic

Microsoft posted up a huge infographic, shown below, that is showcases how the tole of the IT worker has changed from the start of personal computing. A hobby in the beginning has shaped an  industry and changed the word of computing as we know it today. As an IT employee I see how important I […]