How-To Technical

Disable Windows Firewall Server Core

Server Core now installed and what is the first command I choose to run in PowerShell Its a command to disable all firewall profiles: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off  

How-To Technical

Error: Setting up PowerShell Remoting

In an attempt to connect to a remote Hyper-V host I needed to enable PowerShell Remoting. To enable this you simple run PowerShell as Administrator and issue the following command: Enable-PSRemoting The command runs and then errors with the following output: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Enable-PSRemoting WinRM has been updated to receive requests. WinRM service type changed […]


TechShort: PowerShell to Setup VPN Connections

Here is a way we can be consistent with our setup of VPN connections on computers. Using PowerShell this is made simple with a small script on a USB stick, network share or whatever method you choose to get the to the client machine The following is a one line PowerShell command: Add-VpnConnection -Name “VPN Connection Name” […]

How-To Software

Tech Short: “execution of scripts is disabled on this system.”

Attempting to run a PowerShell script I got the following error: File C:\Work\ps.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess To run PowerShell scripts (files that end with .ps1), you must set the […]

News Software Technical

PowerShell for Office 365

Hiya; Have you moved into Office 365? Oh you did! Then you are already aware of all the fun things you can do and some of the ones you can’t without the use of powershell commands Thankfully Microsoft and the Office 365 team have released a new site titled PowerShell for Office 365 which targets Office 365 […]

How-To Software Technical

Renaming SharePoint 2013 Server

I spent sometime today renaming SharePoint 2013 Servers for a project I was pulled in on. It involved using PowerShell cmdlets and other administrative tasks. The project required me to “Clone” SharePoint farm servers to make template environments for demonstration and development task. I originally followed steps provided here: Renaming SharePoint then later streamlined the process so its […]