How-To Software

Windows Server 2008 – Run as different user

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs Back in the days of Server 2003 I remember being able to right click an application and “run as” with the purpose of running this program as a different user with an elevated […]

Hardware Technical

Task Manager Info

If you have taken a look at Windows Task Manager, and wondered what does all this mean. This brief guide should help you understand what these values represent. The performance information is broken down into four categories: CPU, Physical Memory, Kernel Memory, and System CPU: CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage represents the percentage of CPU capacity currently being used by […]

How-To Technical

Windows Sysinternals – Auto system reboot

The application is called PsShutdown, and is downloadable for free: PsShutdown is quite similar to “regular” shutdown – the former accepts the same parameters as the latter, but has various additional features, such as logging off users, locking the work station, and foremost: shutdown of the system when nobody’s logged in, or when the console is locked. Usage […]

How-To News Technical

The Case of the Mysterious Reboots

Mark Russinovich over on posted a new article on killing malware using Sysinternal Suite Tools. I felt it was necessary to share. The Case of the Mysterious Reboots – Mark’s Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs