How-To Software Technical

PS3 Media Server – Simplified

Hello Friends This time around I will provide some details on setting up the PS3 Media Server software on your Linux/Ubuntu install. This time the steps have been simplified. So please follow my steps and you should be up and running in no time at all. Step 1. – Install Ubuntu Server or Desktop (I […]


Ubuntu: My day-to-day Linux commands

And now a bit of the day-to-day Linux commands I use in Ubuntu  ls -l This the most common command that all *nix users use to show the file(s) in list format. rm -rf <filename(s)> To delete a file, use this command. Be careful, no retrieval will help you to get your file. /etc/init.d/networking restart I […]

News Personal

I have moved to Lighttpd

Looking for something with less weight I moved over to Lighttpd. While not necessarily needed, I also rebuilt my server using the Ubuntu minimal install disk. By doing this I was able to cut out many things from the standard Ubuntu Server install and give me only want I need to run and host this site.  I am […]

How-To Software

How to remove an audio track from an mp4 video file

I recorded a mp4 video file and I would like to strip away the audio because i just don’t need it. Using ffmpeg in ubuntu made this task a very simple one. Simply run the following command: ffmpeg -i file-in.mp4 -vcodec copy -an file-out.mp4 As you see, a very quick helpful solution.  

How-To Software

Howto: Upgrade Ubuntu Version of Server

To upgrade from Ubuntu server system to the latest server: 1- install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core 2- This is optional, you can update without doing this: Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal; 3- Launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d and follow the on-screen […]

How-To Technical

Password Reset for Ubuntu System

Yes! I forgot my password to a fresh install of Ubuntu. Thankfully I can recover using the following steps: 1. Turn your computer on. 2. Press ESC at the GRUB prompt. 3. Press e for edit. 4. Highlight the line that begins “kernel ………”, press e 5. Go to the very end of the line, add rw init=/bin/bash […]