How-To Software Technical

SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, Content Database Upgrade

I have been working on upgrading SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.  Here are some notes on steps taken to update a content database for your default web application. Please note:   A backup of your default (primary) SharePoint 2010 content database is needed. These steps are for those who have already installed SharePoint and have […]

How-To Software Technical

Do not upgrade virtual hardware of ESXi 5.5 guest

I updated my ESXi 5.1 server to the latest ESXi 5.5 release. The process with smooth as it has always been in the past. After updating the tools for my guests I thought it was only practical to update the hardware level of my machines… I thought wrong. The moment I upgraded the ability to […]

How-To Software Technical

Exchange 2010 SP3 Upgrade Error

I just got finished with upgrading my Exchange 2010 Server to SP3 in preparation for next weeks online of Exchange 2013. During the service pack upgrade I encountered a few issues: After the prerequisite test the upgrade failed due to my antivirus software Upgrade failed due to the Exchange MMC being open by other users […]

News Software Technical

Windows 8.1 Preview ISO files now available

When the announcement of the preview was made the bits were not yet available for download; They are now. Head over to and grab yourself a copy. Product Key: NTTX3-RV7VB-T7X7F-WQYYY-9Y92F Important: Windows 8.1 Preview isn’t currently supported on some tablets and PCs with newer 32-bit Atom processors. Get the details here

News Software

The Windows 8.1 Preview is here!

There has been some buzz about it and it seems as if its finally Windows 8.1 is here as an preview. Now you can take a first-hand look at many of the new features and improvements with the Windows 8.1 Preview. For a more complete look at all the features in Windows 8.1, check out the Product […]

How-To Technical

Update available message after installing update

Recently I updated my Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 to Ubuntu 13.04 when I noticed that the message of the day (MOTD) displaying in my console was telling me that an update was available and to Run ‘do-release-upgrade’ It seems the cause of this was /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-motd which is called by /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade which checks for the existence of the release-upgrade-motd file. Removing this with rm /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available […]