How-To Software Technical

Windows 8 VPN Error 812

I recently bumped into a little issue when connecting to my companies corp network using the VPN Client built into Windows 8. I haven’t run into this issue on XP, Vista, or Windows 7 so I wondered if something was new that may have prevented this. And I guessed it right. After getting the following error: Now […]

How-To Software

Disable Revocation Check on SSTP VPN Sessions

Please use the following steps: You will need the create the following registry Key (REG_DWORD) under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sstpsvc\Parameters Setting the key value of 1, will prevent it from checking. More detailed info below: NoCertRevocationCheck Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sstpsvc\Parameters Registry entry: NoCertRevocationCheck Data type: REG_DWORD You can use this registry entry to enable or to disable the SSL […]


Is AT&T blocking SIP

Last night I installed a SIP client (CSipSimple) on my phone, and it worked perfectly on my wireless network.  So I said to myself, what about 3G.  I gave it a few test and while I get the inbound and can make outbound calls.  There is lack of voice data being sent.  This was a […]