News Personal


“I have nobody. I need someone. My name is Amanda Todd.” – Amanda Michelle Todd (November 27, 1996 – October 10, 2012) Today I post about something different: I have been following a news story of a girl by the name of Amanda who committed suicide to escape the hurt she had built up inside her. With no way to […]

News Software


Today, software controls company Infragistics released a tool set of solutions to the world that has embraced the the idea of bring your own device (BYOD) called NUCLiOS. This tool set delivers the core controls you need to create high performance, highly visual, totally native iPad and iPhone applications. Built with performance and style in mind, NUCLiOS offers an advanced […]

How-To Software Technical

“Permissions are too open”

No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it. – Theodore Roosevelt You are attempting to automate your ssh session to a remote system using keys and you get the following “Permissions are too open” message. The problem is, that […]

How-To Technical

Time Synchronization with ntpdate in Ubuntu

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? – John Wooden I’m back again with a little tip, simple and quick to do to keep your Ubuntu Server’s time in sync, best of all there is no need to install an NTP client as Ubuntu comes […]

Hardware How-To Personal

PS3 YLOD Fix: How I did it

Hello PlayStation 3 Owner, If you have run into this issue, I am aware of how frustrated you are. I’ve been there and just recently fixed mine and my brother’s PS3 (Fat Body). We both encountered this same issue. Back-story on my issue: My PS3 ran into the Yellow Light of Death (YLOD) issue and after much troubleshooting; checking cables, powering down for days, […]


Remembering Steve Jobs

It still seems like yesterday that Apple’s co-founder died. Today marks one year without Steve, and there will be plenty of headlines looking back at him and his work. Rather than bullet point his life works in this post I would like to just convey a message to my friends, family and those others reading this. “Live in the moment […]