News Software

logstalgia – website access log visualization tool

Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests. On a regular basis I tail the access.log of my website watching request to Last night I ran across a awesome log visualizer tool called logstalgia. Logstalgia […]

News Technical

Google SSL Certificates going to 2048-bit

Coming Soon! In August 2013, Google will start the process of switching its SSL Certificates over to 2048-bit for its services adding stronger security. This information was made public on Stephen McHenry’s, Director of Information Security at Google Blog. The completion of this project is set to be completed by the end of the 2013 year. […]

News Personal

Google Crisis Response

Many of my friends may not know about this. I hope now they will and be better informed now and in the future. I feel the more you know, the more you can extend a helping hand to others. Google seems to have done just that by making critical information more accessible in times of […]

News Software Technical

Keep Calm and Install Wheezy

Want to give it a try? Check out the live images! Want to install it? Choose your favorite installation media among Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, CDs and USB sticks. Already on Debian and want to upgrade? You are just an apt-get dist-upgrade away from Wheezy! Find how, reading the installation guide and the release notes.

Hardware How-To Software Technical

Get the 3ware 9650SE working with ESXi 5.x

At the office we recently built two white box, built it yourself servers (lego’s). I called them Lego’s due to the fact they are build your own types and not OEM. For each of these powerhouse systems we got 3ware 9650SE RAID controllers (3ware 9650SE-4LPML PCI Express Lanes: 4 SATA II Controller Card RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, […]


Microsoft updates Outlook app for Android

Back in November 2013 Microsoft released this app to the Android market. While still a good app it lacked several features and luster desired by us mobile users. So many voiced their thoughts and ideas and Microsoft has rolled out an update for its Outlook app for Android, adding fixes and features based on user feedback. […]