How-To Software Technical

Disable Windows Firewall On Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core

After my install of Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core, I wanted to manage the system via RSAT and Remote Desktop. However the firewall was preventing me from completing such tasks. That said, this is how we can disable the firewall From the command prompt type the following command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off […]

How-To Software Technical

HowTo Install VMware Tools On Windows Server 2102 R2 Server Core

After installing Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core as a guest in my VMware Lab I wanted install the VMware software tools that enhances the performance of the guest operating system and improves management of the virtual machine. To do this I logged into the console via the vCenter Client were I could access the server […]


Holiday Care Packages for Teachers

My wife and I are thankful for all the teachers whom educate our kids year after year. To show this appreciation we send in a holiday care package to them to help them with class room supplies.   Some of you may be unaware that teachers, will reach into their own pockets to pay for supplies to […]


Dryer Cleaning / Troubleshooting

This week like many weeks before it we are doing laundry as we normally do when noticed a smoke smell coming from our laundry room.  The smell was like that of a cigarette. The smell seemed to be coming from the dryer. So why not open it up and take a look inside. On inspection […]


QOTD: I’m good

Every time I want to do bad, she’s there to remind me that I’m good. – Jermal Smith 2014

How-To Software Technical

Quest to automate snapshots in ESXi

I am looking for a way to run a instance and have it revert back to its snapshot every 24 hours. I started toying around with the idea to use the vim-cmd features however there doesn’t seem to be a way to set a task for this. So far here are the steps I used […]