How-To Technical

Disabling Windows Error Recovery

  While doing some testing with Windows 7 ThinPC  I noticed that when locking the system state to revert to the base image each restart would show the Windows Error Recovery.  This is shown regardless of shutdown type; clean, dirty… So to avoid seeing this, I have used the following command to set changed this […]

News Software

Morto Worm Spreading via Remote Desktop Protocol

A new Internet worm has been reported that spreads via Microsoft’s Remote Desk Protocol (RDP). This worm scans an infected host’s subnet for other hosts running RDP and attempts access to them using a pre-configured set of user names (including “administrator”) and passwords. According to Microsoft, this worm can be remotely controlled and updated, such […]


We are back online…

After some downtime / complete blackout we are online once again. We have phone, We have tv, We have internet and We have one another… Time to update firefox…

How-To Software

ESXi 4 – Tech Support Mode

Tech Support Mode (TSM) provides a command-line interface that can be used by the administrator to troubleshoot and correct abnormal conditions on VMware ESXi hosts. TSM can be accessed in two ways: Logging in directly on the console of the ESXi server Logging in remotely via SSH Both of these methods can be disabled, and […]


The Top Security Tools in the Ubuntu Repositories

Sniffers: dsniff Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities This package contains several tools to listen to and create network traffic: * arpspoof – Send out unrequested (and possibly forged) arp replies. * dnsspoof – forge replies to arbitrary DNS address / pointer queries on the Local Area Network. * dsniff – password […]

How-To Software

How-To: install VMware .bundle on Ubuntu

By now many I have come accustom to installing programs using the apt-get method in Ubuntu, but there comes a time where we need to remember those other commands to install things.  For example when attempting to install software packaged in .bundle file format. It all started when I downloaded VMware player and went to […]