How-To Software Technical

ntopng on Ubuntu 14.04

I just completed my ntopNG appliance setup. Once more I can look into my network traffic to get an idea of what’s going on. Below you will find the steps to complete the install Here are the steps Log into the ubuntu server host and issue the following commands: sudo into root: sudo -i wget […]

How-To Software Technical

Using Get-SPWebTemplate to list available site templates in SharePoint 2013

In this tech-short we will go over a simple yet effective way to list out the available site templates in SharePoint 2013. Using the New-SPSite PowerShell cmdlet allows you to specify the name of a template to use. In my case I was unaware of the name of available templates in my SharePoint installation.  Using the Get-SPWebTemplate […]

How-To Software Technical

Deploy Template Using VMware Guest Customization Specification

Using templates save you lots of time when it comes to deploying virtual machines. And if you are looking to get a slight edge on your deployments in lab or production using customization specifications may be the way you want to go. Here are some quick steps to deploy using this method:   From the […]

How-To Software Technical

VMware Flings: Embedded Host Client Update

I am excited about the release of VMware Labs Flings release of  version 3 of the Embedded Host Client. For those of you who find yourself out of the loop at time, no worries it happens.  Here is some details about the the embedded host client: The Embedded Host Client is written purely in HTML and JavaScript, […]

How-To Technical

Windows 2003, HTTPS Access Issues

One of the teams I support had run into some issues. Spending a lot of time investigating code and possible configuration problems. What they later suspected to be a policy issue, possibly a firewall, network issues turned out to be something entirely different. Lets start with the symptoms: Service request to a secured site stopped functioning, […]

How-To Technical

OVF Deployment Issue Ubuntu Snappy 15.04-stable (5 cloud)

When you have time, you do something. Tonight I was headed over the Ubuntu site to grab me the latest version because I was thinking of installing OpenStack when I noticed on their landing page and noticed “Get Ubuntu Core” ; yes something new. But where is my Raspberry Pi? No worries they have OVF […]