Personal Technical

Saving Private RAID ‘en

Over a week now I have been having serious performance issues with my private SAN (I am using OpenMediaVault) here at home. I noticed the issues and reviewed everything from services to software recently updated. Later to discover one of my HDD (Hard Disk Drives) in my RAID set were having issues The symptoms were that all […]


Quote of the Day 2013-06-02

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. – George Bernard Shaw


Microsoft tracks the evolution of the IT employee with info-graphic

Microsoft posted up a huge infographic, shown below, that is showcases how the tole of the IT worker has changed from the start of personal computing. A hobby in the beginning has shaped an  industry and changed the word of computing as we know it today. As an IT employee I see how important I […]

News Personal Technical

Apple Icons and Your Website

With the big jump in the mobile market places browsing the internet and the way websites are accessed and utilized have changed. Many of us put our hands in the marketability of our web properties pool by making optimizations and much efforts to be appealing to our visitors and search engines. So why stop there […]

News Personal

Google Crisis Response

Many of my friends may not know about this. I hope now they will and be better informed now and in the future. I feel the more you know, the more you can extend a helping hand to others. Google seems to have done just that by making critical information more accessible in times of […]

News Personal

University of New England – Commencement 2013

Today my niece Jessica graduated with her Master Degree from the University of New England, Class of 2013. I only with the rest of friends and family are truly happy with her. I wasn’t able to be there in persons but enjoyed watching live in real time over the internet. I took the opportunity to use some of my […]